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Club Communications

The Genesee Valley Chapter communicates with its members in a number of different ways…


Our Facebook Page provides the most current information regarding club events and activities.


The website provides information regarding club events and activities. Any "late breaking" news that that needs to be quickly communicated to club members will be found in the upper right corner of the Home page, under the heading of "Achtung!" which means "Attention!" in German. "Achtung!" announcements only appear when there is urgent need for immediate communication.

Opt-in Email Lists

The club also uses opt-in email lists to inform members of upcoming events in a timely fashion. These emails are official club announcements, will come from the GVC chapter, and have a look similar to the GVC website. If you wish to receive club announcements, you will need to have a 'MyGVC' account and manage your email subscriptions through this account.


Published quarterly, "der Bayerische Brief" includes articles written by local members and covers recent and upcoming events.

Direct Mail

In addition to the newsletter, the club will occasionally send other forms of direct mail or correspondence to members, such as flyers, post-cards and new member packets.